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Live Streaming — Review#


Complete the Walkthrough first.

The demo project illustrates a pattern where live data is fed to ATLAS around the side of the main data store.

The live stream is buffered through Redis, and then selectively distributed to clients using WebSockets. This means that clients are never directly interacting with the ingest process, and the write-latency of the data store becomes less important.

Service Calls#

Call Ordering#

Users can't browse and load the session until it is published to the Session Service, so the service call ordering is different:

  1. Describe the fields as Configuration;
  2. Describe how the database fields will map onto Timestamped Data requests;
  3. Publish the Session in the open state;
  4. Write data to InfluxDB;
  5. Update the Session state to closed;

Other orderings are allowed — e.g. adding Configuration after the session has started.

  1. Write data to InfluxDB;
  2. Describe how the database fields will map onto Timestamped Data requests;
  3. Describe the fields as Configuration;
  4. Publish the Session;

Session State Transitions#

Publishing the session before the data is written requires greater attention to session state:

  • Start in the open state so the client is aware that the session is live;
  • Transition to:
    • closed when all data is written
    • truncated if the session was cut short (e.g. Ctrl+C)
    • failed if the session was cut short due to an exception


Sessions can also start in the waiting state if there will be a preparation period before data is available.

Always transition to open before data starts streaming.

Streaming to InfluxDB#

Compared to the previous tutorial, the writes to InfluxDB need to be broken up. This ensures that data is flushed and visible in the database.

In this example, this is done at the same time as Session Model Updates.

Streaming to Redis#

Live data is both written to InfluxDB and buffered to Redis Streams — similar in design to Apache Kafka.

The Redis data flow follows a simple protocol, where the stream is a copy of all session model updates, and data:

  • Beginning with a Session JSON update
  • Buffering data so bursts are sent at around 10 Hz
  • Updating the session time-range often, and the session model if any metadata changes
  • Ending with a transition to the closed, truncated or failed state

Each message is StreamData, but sent in bursts as StreamDataBurst to improve network efficiency.

The streams are typically buffered in Redis long enough to cover the time taken for data to flush to the main store — which could be seconds or hours, depending on the storage technology. The Redis instance needs to be sized appropriately. The Stream Service includes an automatic trimmer to limit retention.

Library Support#

The protocol is implemented by the MAT.OCS.RTA.StreamBuffer NuGet Package.

To connect to Redis:

using var redisBuffer = new RedisStreamBuffer(hostname, db);
var streamBuffer = await redisBuffer.InitStreamSessionAsync(sessionIdentity, streamName);
  • hostname can include the port — e.g. localhost:8389 — if the default Redis port (6379) is not used
  • db number should be 0 unless the Redis instance has multiple databases (essentially namespaces)
  • streamName collates messages into a named Redis Streams — a similar concept to a Kafka topic, which aids message trimming

There is a single method to send the bursts:

var burst = new StreamDataBurst
    Data =
        // ...

await streamBuffer.WriteAsync(burst);

Serializing and sending the Session Model as JSON is a bit long-winded, so an extension method is provided:

await streamBuffer.WriteSessionJsonAsync(session);
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Serialization;

// setup Session Model conventions
private static readonly JsonSerializerSettings JsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings
    ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver
        NamingStrategy = new CamelCaseNamingStrategy(false, false)
    DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset

// ...

await streamBuffer.WriteAsync(new StreamDataBurst
    Data =
        new StreamData
            SessionJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(session, JsonSettings)

Session Model Updates#

The Session needs to be available from both the REST API and the WebSocket.


These session models should be the same, but sometimes this is difficult:

  • The REST API might expose metadata that isn't available in the ETL pipeline
  • The pipeline might have separate processes writing to Redis and writing to storage, making coordination difficult

The client compensates by using the session metadata that appears to be most recent based on time-range, and by copying any collections (e.g. Configuration Bindings) that are available from one source but undefined in another.

The first and last messages streamed to Redis should be a Session JSON update. Further updates can be sent if any other metadata changes — e.g. adding configuration, or updating the identifier or details.

The session model does not need to be streamed to update the session time-range, as there is a dedicated operation for this high-frequency operation, as seen in #4 below.

Buffering and Streaming Data#

Data arriving sample-by-sample needs to be buffered for efficient transfer.

In this code sample, the data is arriving/generated in rows, so the code structure looks like this (excluding the InfluxDB writes):

  1. Set up a timestamps buffer, and a values buffer for each field/column:

    var sampleCount = 0;
    var timestampsBuffer = new long[SamplesPerBurst];
    var valuesBuffers = new double[Fields.Length][];

  2. Push timestamps and values into the buffers:

    for (var f = 0; f < Fields.Length; f++)
        valuesBuffers[f][sampleCount] = values[f];
    timestampsBuffer[sampleCount] = timestamp;

  3. When the buffers are full, create a StreamDataBurst:

    if (sampleCount == SamplesPerBurst)
        var burst = new StreamDataBurst();
        for (var f = 0; f < valuesBuffers.Length; f++)
            var tData = new TimestampedData
                ChannelId = (uint)f,
                Buffer = ByteString.CopyFrom(MemoryMarshal.AsBytes<double>(valuesBuffers[f].AsSpan(0, sampleCount)))
            burst.Data.Add(new StreamData
                TimestampedData = tData
        // ...

  4. Include a time range update — typically in every burst:

        burst.Data.Add(new StreamData
            TimeRange = new StreamTimeRange
                StartTime = startTime,
                EndTime = endTime

  5. Send the burst to Redis — ideally with overlapped I/O to minimise performance overhead:

        await lastBurst;
        lastBurst = streamBuffer.WriteAsync(burst);