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Working with Display Properties#

Display properties can be edited within the properties window and/or persisted to the workbook.

Adding a display property to the View Model#

Add a private backer

private Type propertyName;


For properties persisted to the workbook, Type must be serializable to JSON.

Add a public Property (with getter and setter) to update property backer

public Type PropertyName
    get => this.propertyName;
    set => this.SetProperty(ref this.propertyName, value);


If there are additional side effects when a property value has changed, e.g. to indicate that calculated properties may need updating, modify setter accordingly

    if (this.SetProperty(ref this.propertyName, value))

Use OnPropertyChanged to inform WPF that a property may have changed (make sure to use nameof() as a safe way to specify a property name).

Expose View Model properties so they can be edited within the properties window#

Public properties will by default appear within the properties window.


It is important to always review the properties window after significant changes to the View Model to ensure only required properties are visible.

Decorate properties with [Browsable(false)] to exclude unwanted properties from the properties Window, see below.

Persist display properties to and from the workbook#

Update the getter to read the property value from the Workbook (passing an appropriate default for new workbooks)

get => this.propertyName = this.ReadProperty(defaultValue);

Update the setter to save the property to the workbook when the property value has changed

   if (this.SetProperty(ref this.propertyName, value))

Optional Display Property Attributes#

Decorate display properties with Attributes to configure how they are displayed within the properties window

  • [Category(title)]
    • To specify a category to group similar properties together
  • [DisplayName(name)]
    • To specify the display name of the property (otherwise the C# property name is used)
  • [Description(description)]
    • To specific the property description that appears in the section at the bottom of the properties window
  • [Display(Order=n)]
    • To specify the order of properties (lowest value are first)
  • [Browsable(state)]
    • To specify whether a public property should be included within the properties window (true – implicit default) or excluded (false – set explicitly) from the properties window


Add a reference to System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations as required