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Numeric Compare display#

This tutorial demonstrates the use of Composite Data Requests for Compare Sets.

The existing Numeric display within ATLAS only displays values for the primary session, therefore a useful way to explore compare mode is to create a numeric like display to view the value of each display parameter for each session within a compare set.


The code for this tutorial can be reviewed at Tutorials/NumericCompareDisplayPlugin

Start the tutorial by creating a new display from scratch named NumericCompareDisplayPlugin.

The user interface should consist of a grid of display parameters vs sessions, where each cell is the display parameter value for that session.

  • The first column should be the display parameter name.

Update the View class#

Configure the user interface as follows

  • Use an ItemsControl to display a collection of cell values
    • Bind ItemsSource attribute to the View Model CellValues property
  • By default items are displayed as a vertical list, set the ItemsPanel element to a UniformGrid instead
    • Bind the Rows attribute to the View Model RowCount property
    • Bind the Columns attribute to the View Model ColumnCount property
  • Set the ItemTemplate element to a DataTemplate containing a uniform ViewBox containing a white TextBlock displaying a cell value
    • Bind the Text attribute to the Cell View Model Value property
<ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding CellValues}" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" UseLayoutRounding="True">
            <UniformGrid Rows="{Binding RowCount}" Columns="{Binding ColumnCount}" />
            <Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
                <TextBlock Padding="5" Foreground="White" Text="{Binding Value}" TextOptions.TextFormattingMode="Ideal" />

Add Cell View Model class#

Add a simple View Model class to represent a generic cell value

public sealed class CellViewModel : BindableBase
    private object obj;

    public CellViewModel(object obj)
        this.obj = obj;

    public object Value
        get => this.obj;
        set => SetProperty(ref this.obj, value);


BindableBase provides an implementation of INotifyPropertyChanged

Since the Value property setter calls the SetProperty() method, the User Interface is automatically refreshed when a new value is set.

Update the View Model class#

Derive from TemplateDisplayViewModelBase and allow display parameters by specifying the DisplayPluginSettings attribute

    [DisplayPluginSettings(ParametersMaxCount = 100)]
    public sealed class SampleDisplayViewModel : TemplateDisplayViewModelBase

Add the following backers

  • object field named parameterLock to prevent multiple threads accessing the display parameters at the same time
  • List<CompositeSessionKey> field named compositeSessionKeys to hold the collection of configured composite session keys
  • List<Guid> field named parameterIdentifiers to hold the collection of configured parameter identifiers
  • int field named rowCount as backer for the RowCount property
  • int field named columnCount as backer for the ColumnCount property
private readonly object parameterLock = new object();
private List<CompositeSessionKey> compositeSessionKeys = new List<CompositeSessionKey>();
private List<Guid> parameterIdentifiers = new List<Guid>();
private int rowCount;
private int columnCount;

Inject the ISignalBus, IDataRequestSignalFactory and ILogger services into the View Model constructor and pass to the base constructor

public SampleDisplayViewModel(
    ISignalBus signalBus,
    IDataRequestSignalFactory dataRequestSignalFactory,
    ILogger logger) :
        base(signalBus, dataRequestSignalFactory, logger)

Add the following properties

  • int property named ColumnCount to specify the number of columns (composite sessions count + 1 for display parameter name)
  • int property named RowCount to specify the number of rows (display parameters count)
  • ObservableCollection<CellViewModel> property named CellValues to hold display parameter properties
public int ColumnCount
    get => this.columnCount;
    set => SetProperty(ref this.columnCount, value);

public int RowCount
    get => this.rowCount;
    set => SetProperty(ref this.rowCount, value);

public ObservableCollection<CellViewModel> CellValues { get; } = new ObservableCollection<CellViewModel>();

Subscribe to CompositeSampleResultSignal in the View Model constructor to handle the result of a composite sample data request

        r => r.SourceId == this.ScopeIdentity.Guid));


The subscription instance is added to the Disposables property for automatic cleanup on dispose.

Override the OnMakeCursorDataRequestsAsync() method to issue a composite sample data request per display parameter when the cursor timestamp changes

protected override async Task OnMakeCursorDataRequestsAsync(ICompositeSession compositeSession)
    await this.ExecuteOnUiAsync(this.SyncParameters);

    foreach (var parameterContainer in DisplayParameterService.ParameterContainers)
        var signal = this.DataRequestSignalFactory.CreateCompositeSampleRequestSignal(
            compositeSession.CursorPoint + 1,



The CellValues property is first updated by calling the SyncParameters() method on the UI thread

Add the SyncParameters() method to synchronize the CellValues property with configured composite sessions and display parameters

private void SyncParameters()
    lock (this.parameterLock)
        var compositeSessions = this.ActiveCompositeSessionContainer?.CompositeSessions?.ToList();
        var parameterContainers = this.DisplayParameterService.ParameterContainers.ToList();
        if ((compositeSessions?.Count ?? 0) == 0 ||
            parameterContainers.Count == 0)

            this.RowCount = 0;
            this.ColumnCount = 0;

        var newCompositeSessionKeys = compositeSessions.Select(cs => cs.Key).ToList();
        var newParameterIdentifiers = new List<Guid>();
        var newCellValues = new List<CellViewModel>();

        foreach (var parameterContainer in parameterContainers)

            newCellValues.Add(new CellViewModel(parameterContainer.Name));

            var oldParameterIndex = this.parameterIdentifiers.IndexOf(parameterContainer.InstanceIdentifier);
            foreach (var newCompositeSessionKey in newCompositeSessionKeys)
                var oldCompositeSessionIndex = this.compositeSessionKeys.IndexOf(newCompositeSessionKey);
                if (oldParameterIndex < 0 || oldCompositeSessionIndex < 0)
                    newCellValues.Add(new CellViewModel(string.Empty));

                var parameterValueIndex = GetCellIndex(oldParameterIndex, oldCompositeSessionIndex);
                var oldParameterValue = this.CellValues[parameterValueIndex];

        this.compositeSessionKeys = newCompositeSessionKeys;
        this.parameterIdentifiers = newParameterIdentifiers;

        this.RowCount = this.parameterIdentifiers.Count;
        this.ColumnCount = this.compositeSessionKeys.Count + 1;
        foreach (var newCellValue in newCellValues)

    this.MakeDataRequests(true, false);

Add the HandleCompositeSampleResultSignal() method to update the appropriate cell values with the results of the composite sample data request

private void HandleCompositeSampleResultSignal(CompositeSampleResultSignal signal)
    lock (parameterLock)
        var request = signal.Data.Request;

        var parameterIndex = this.parameterIdentifiers.IndexOf(request.ParameterContainer.InstanceIdentifier);
        if (parameterIndex < 0)

        var result = signal.Data;

        foreach (var kvp in result.Results)
            var compositeSessionIndex = this.compositeSessionKeys.IndexOf(kvp.Key);
            if (compositeSessionIndex < 0)

            var parameterValues = kvp.Value.ParameterValues;
            if (parameterValues.SampleCount == 0)


                var cellIndex = this.GetCellIndex(parameterIndex, compositeSessionIndex);
                this.CellValues[cellIndex].Value = parameterValues.Data[0];

Add the GetCellIndex() method to convert a display parameter and session grid coordinate into a cell index

private int GetCellIndex(int parameterIndex, int compositeSessionIndex)
    var parameterValueIndex = parameterIndex * (this.compositeSessionKeys.Count + 1) + 1 + compositeSessionIndex;
    return parameterValueIndex;

Testing the display#

To view the display parameter values

  • Add at least two sessions via the Session Browser to the compare set associated with the display
  • Add some display parameters to the display via the Parameter Browser
  • Use a Waveform display to change the cursor