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Parameter Data Access#

ParameterDataAccess objects (PDAs) are used to defines how parameter values are sampled or interpolated via SQL Race.

PDA can be created by the Session.CreateParameterDataAccess(parameterIdentifier) method and is associated with both the Session and a Parameter. More than one PDA can exist within a session as each pda can be used to retrieve values from a different parameter.

Methods on the PDA allow you to:

  • Move to specific point in time
  • Set the sample time
  • Read sub-sampled data
  • Read interpolated data
  • Read the measured sample values

Best practice

  • Opening a PDA uses up memory until the session is closed and disposed. It is best to open a PDA for a parameter once and cache it. Then you can reuse it throughout the session. An example of when this is particularly useful is when iterating through laps. It is better to open each PDA once than to open and dispose of them inside the lap iteration.
  • Calls to a PDA is not thread safe. If you are wanting to access data using the same Parameter in different threads, it is better to consider opening a small pool of PDAs for the threads to use. You have to be extra careful when using method that require the PDA's current position to ensure that it is only being used by one thread.

Samples and Data#

Within the context of PDA methods, samples refers to the values as logged by the datalogger, whereas data refers to sub-sampled, or interpolated values at a predefined fixed frequency.

Sample Modes#

Sample modes define the behaviour when sub-sampling.

Sample Mode Behaviour
First Return the first sample value in the range.
Maximum Return the maximum sample value in the range.
Mean Return the average sample value across the range.
Minimum Return the minimum sample value in the range.

Data Status#

ParameterValues.DataStatus provides additional information about the values returned in ParameterValues.Data.

When retrieving values via a PDA, the arrays within ParameterValues will always be the length of the requested sample size, regardless of the number of values requested.

As an example, when there are only 100 samples left between the cursor and the end of the session, and the sample size requested is larger than 100. The first 100 data status will be Sample, and the remaining DataStatus will be AfterEnd.

The property ParameterValues.SampleCount can be used to check the number of valid samples within the returned array.

  • Samples that represents values as measured by the data logger will have data status Sample.
  • Data that are interpolated will have data status Interpolated.


The length of ParameterValues.Data is not an indication of the amount of valid sample returned. Use ParameterValues.SampleCount to get the number of valid samples.


Getting Samples from a Historic Session#

// Local database connection string and session key for data already recorded
string connectionString = @"DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;";
SessionKey sessionKey = SessionKey.Parse("7DD05707-EAA2-4A36-BB8A-E2327AA52BFC");

// Initialise SQLRace API
var sessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager();

// Load existing session
using (var clientSession = sessionManager.Load(sessionKey, connectionString))
    // Obtain the session
    var session = clientSession.Session;

    // Use PDA to get logged data across all channels in parameter vCar
    using (ParameterDataAccessBase pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess("vCar:Chassis"))
        // Go to the start of the session

        // Get 10 samples
        var parameterValues = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward);

        // Print data and status to console window
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Console.WriteLine($"Data: {parameterValues.Data[i]}, Timestamp: {parameterValues.Timestamp[i]}, Status: {parameterValues.DataStatus[i]}");            }
# Local database connection string and session key for data already recorded
connection_string = r"DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;"
sessionKey = SessionKey.Parse("7DD05707-EAA2-4A36-BB8A-E2327AA52BFC")

# Initialise SQLRace API
session_manager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager()

# Load existing session
client_session = session_manager.Load(sessionKey, connection_string)

# Obtain the session
session = client_session.Session

# Create a PDA to get logged data across all channels in parameter vCar
pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess("vCar:Chassis")

# Go to the start of the session

# Get 10 samples
parameter_values = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward)

# Print data and status to console window
for i in range(10):
    print(f"Data: {parameter_values.Data[i]}, TimeStamp: {parameter_values.Timestamp[i]} Status: {parameter_values.DataStatus[i]}")

# Dispose objects once we are finish with it
% Local database connection string and session key for data already recorded
connectionString = "DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;";
sessionKey = SessionKey.Parse("7DD05707-EAA2-4A36-BB8A-E2327AA52BFC");

% Initialise SQLRace API
sessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager();

% Load existing session
clientSession = sessionManager.Load(sessionKey, connectionString);

% Obtain the session
session = clientSession.Session;

% Create a PDA to get logged data across all channels in parameter vCar
pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess("vCar:Chassis");

%  Go to the start of the session

% Get 10 samples
parameterValues = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward);

% Print data and status to console window
for i=1:10
    fprintf("Data: %f, Timestamp: %i, Status: %s\n",parameterValues.Data(i),parameterValues.Timestamp(i),parameterValues.DataStatus(i))

% Dispose objects once we are finish with it

Getting Samples from a Live Session#

PDA contains the property CurrentTime, which keeps track of the location of the cursor. This cursor is specific to each instance of PDA and can be used in combination with GetNextSamples to get new samples on the leading edge during a live session. After the samples have been retrieved, the CurrentTime gets updated to 1ns after the timestamp of the last sample retrieved.

string connectionString = @"DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;";

// Initialise SQLRace API
var sessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager();

// Find the latest live session
var sessionSummaries = sessionManager.FindBySessionState(SessionState.Live, connectionString);
var liveSessionSummary = sessionSummaries.OrderBy(x => x.TimeOfRecording).Last();

// Load the live session
using (var clientSession = sessionManager.Load(liveSessionSummary.Key, liveSessionSummary.GetConnectionString()))
    // Obtain the session
    var session = clientSession.Session;

    // Use PDA to get logged data across all channels in parameter vCar
    using (ParameterDataAccessBase pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess("vCar:Chassis"))
        // Go to the start of the session
        while (session.State == SessionState.Live)
            // Get 10 samples
            var parameterValues = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward);

            // Print data and status to console window
            for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues.SampleCount; i++)
            Console.WriteLine($"Data: {parameterValues.Data[i]}, Timestamp: {parameterValues.Timestamp[i]}, Status: {parameterValues.DataStatus[i]}");                }
            Console.WriteLine($"New Cursor Position: {pda.CurrentTime}");

            // Wait for a second
connection_string = r"DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;"

# Initialise SQLRace API
session_manager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager()

# Find the latest live session
session_summaries = session_manager.FindBySessionState(SessionState.Live, connection_string)
latest_live_session = max(session_summaries, key=lambda x: x.TimeOfRecording)
client_session = session_manager.Load(latest_live_session.Key, latest_live_session.GetConnectionString())
session = client_session.Session

# Create a PDA to get logged data across all channels in parameter vCar
pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess("vCar:Chassis")

# Go to the start of the session

while session.State == SessionState.Live:
    # Get 10 samples
    parameter_values = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward)

    # Print data and status to console window
    for i in range(parameter_values.SampleCount):
            f"Data: {parameter_values.Data[i]}, TimeStamp: {parameter_values.Timestamp[i]} Status: {parameter_values.DataStatus[i]}")
    print(f"New Cursor Position: {pda.CurrentTime}")

    # Wait for a second

# Dispose objects once we are finish with it
connectionString = "DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;";

% Initialise SQLRace API
sessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager();

% Find the latest live session
sessionSummaries = sessionManager.FindBySessionState(SessionState.Live, connectionString);
latestLiveSession = sessionSummaries.Item(0);
%  Array formation and indexing are not allowed on .NET objects in MATLAB
for i = 0:sessionSummaries.Count-1 
    if (sessionSummaries.Item(i).TimeOfRecording > latestLiveSession.TimeOfRecording)
        latestLiveSession = sessionSummaries.Item(i);

clientSession = sessionManager.Load(latestLiveSession.Key, latestLiveSession.GetConnectionString());

% Obtain the session
session = clientSession.Session;

% Create a PDA to get subampled data across all channels in parameter vCar
pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess("vCar:Chassis");

%  Go to the start of the session

while (session.State == SessionState.Live)
    % Get 10 samples
    parameterValues = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward);

    % Print data and status to console window
    for i=1:10
        fprintf("Data: %f, Timestamp: %i, Status: %s\n",parameterValues.Data(i),parameterValues.Timestamp(i),parameterValues.DataStatus(i))
    fprintf("New Cursor Position: %i\n", pda.CurrentTime.Value)

    % Wait for a second

% Dispose objects once we are finish with it

Caching PDA to Improve Efficiency#

It is advisable to reuse PDAs regardless of whether multiple parameters are in use. A dictionary with the parameter identifier can be used to achieve this.

// Local database connection string and session key for data already recorded
string connectionString = @"DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;";
SessionKey sessionKey = SessionKey.Parse("7DD05707-EAA2-4A36-BB8A-E2327AA52BFC");

// List of parameter identifiers to obtain samples from
List<string> parameterIdentifiers = new List<string> { "vCar:Chassis", "nEngine:FIA" };

// Initialise SQLRace API
var sessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager();

// Load existing session
using (var clientSession = sessionManager.Load(sessionKey, connectionString))
    // Create the pda cache
    Dictionary<string, ParameterDataAccessBase> pdaCache = new Dictionary<string, ParameterDataAccessBase>();

    // Obtain the session
    var session = clientSession.Session;

    foreach (var lap in session.LapCollection)
        foreach (var parameterIdentifier in parameterIdentifiers)
            // Open and cache PDA
            ParameterDataAccessBase pda;
            if (pdaCache.ContainsKey(parameterIdentifier))
                pda = pdaCache[parameterIdentifier];
                pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess(parameterIdentifier);
                pdaCache[parameterIdentifier] = pda;

            // Go to the start of the lap

            // Get 10 samples
            var parameterValues = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward);
            Console.WriteLine($"Parameter: {parameterIdentifier}");
            // Print data and status to console window
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Console.WriteLine($"Data: {parameterValues.Data[i]}, Timestamp: {parameterValues.Timestamp[i]}, Status: {parameterValues.DataStatus[i]}");


    // Dispose the PDAs afterwards
    foreach (var parameterDataAccessBase in pdaCache)
# Local database connection string and session key for data already recorded
connection_string = r"DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;"
sessionKey = SessionKey.Parse("7DD05707-EAA2-4A36-BB8A-E2327AA52BFC")

# List of parameter identifiers to obtain samples from
parameterIdentifiers = ["vCar:Chassis", "nEngine:FIA"]

# Initialise SQLRace API
session_manager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager()

# Load existing session
client_session = session_manager.Load(sessionKey, connection_string)

# Create the pda cache
pda_cache = {}

# Obtain the session
session = client_session.Session

for lap in session.LapCollection:
    for parameterIdentifier in parameterIdentifiers:
        # Open and cache PDA
        if parameterIdentifier in pda_cache:
            pda = pda_cache[parameterIdentifier]
            pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess(parameterIdentifier)
            pda_cache[parameterIdentifier] = pda

        # Go to the start of the session

        # Get 10 samples
        parameter_values = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward)

        # Print data and status to console window
        print(f"Parameter: {parameterIdentifier}")
        for i in range(10):
                f"Data: {parameter_values.Data[i]}, TimeStamp: {parameter_values.Timestamp[i]} Status: {parameter_values.DataStatus[i]}")

for pda in pda_cache.values():

# Dispose objects once we are finish with it
% Local database connection string and session key for data already recorded
connectionString = "DbEngine=SQLite;Data Source=C:\session01.ssndb;Pooling=false;";
sessionKey = SessionKey.Parse("7DD05707-EAA2-4A36-BB8A-E2327AA52BFC");

% List of parameter identifiers to obtain samples from
parameterIdentifiers = ["vCar:Chassis", "nEngine:FIA"];

% Initialise SQLRace API
sessionManager = SessionManager.CreateSessionManager();

% Load existing session
clientSession = sessionManager.Load(sessionKey, connection_string);

% Create the pda cache
pdaCache = configureDictionary("string","MESL.SqlRace.Domain.ParameterDataAccess");

% Obtain the session
session = clientSession.Session;

for i=0:session.LapCollection.Count()-1
    for parameterIdentifier = parameterIdentifiers
        % Open and cache PDA
        if isKey(pdaCache,parameterIdentifier)
            pda = pdaCache(parameterIdentifier);
            pda = session.CreateParameterDataAccess(parameterIdentifier);
            pdaCache(parameterIdentifier) = pda;

        %  Go to the start of the session

        % Get 10 samples
        parameterValues = pda.GetNextSamples(10, StepDirection.Forward);

        % Print data and status to console window
        fprintf("Parameter: %s",parameterIdentifier)
        for j=1:10
            fprintf("Data: %f, Timestamp: %i, Status: %s\n",parameterValues.Data(j),parameterValues.Timestamp(j),parameterValues.DataStatus(j))

% Dispose objects once we are finish with it
pdas = values(pdaCache,"cell");
for i = 1:length(pdas)