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Dependencies Service#

REST service containing schemas describing the streaming data.

This microservice stores reference data off-stream. This improves efficiency, helps support late-joining streams, and time-based data expiry. ATLAS Advanced Streams uses this service to describe topic parameter selection and ATLAS configuration – but it can be used for any reference data associated with a stream.

Think of this as equivalent to managing CFG and PGV files - it takes that job away from Kafka for simpler management.

More details can be found in the API Reference


  • .NET Core 2.1


Run the installer archived in the ECU Bridge release zip file:

MAT Streaming Dependencies Service.msi


THe service will auto-start without further configuration.

The configuration file is located at: C:\Program Files\McLaren Applied Technologies\Streaming Dependencies Service\appsettings.json

Requests against the dependency service include two white-listed elemetns: - DependencyGroups: Separates the dependencies group into namespaces. Default is dev - DependencyTypes: Describes the dependencies' context. Default is dataFormat,atlasConfiguration

Extend these options as necessary after deployment.

Refer to API Reference - Dependencies Service


Check the service has started.

Browse to http://localhost:8180/api/dependencies/ and check for a textual usage statement. This URI - modified appropriately for the host server via config - is supplied to the ATLAS Streaming Recorder, and to the MAT.OCS.Streaming API. Always include the trailing slash.