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User Guide#


NASCAR Telemetry Recorder (2024-05-15)
Instructions to setup ATLAS to receive and visualise Telemetric data from NASCAR's Event Racing Data Platform
Timeline Session Details (2023-08-18)
Introducing a new feature that shows session details as tooltip in the timeline
Performance Profilers (2021-12-12)
Instructions on capturing performance profiles
Session Markers (2021-12-12)
Information on annotating ranges of data using markers
Decode dll (2021-11-29)
Instructions to upgrade existing decode dll to work with ATLAS (version 10.4.4 onwards)
Scatterplot Sample Modes (2021-08-06)
Understand how Scatterplot Data Point Mode alters the way samples are plotted for the Scatterplot display


User Interface#

Keyboard Shortcuts
Full list of ATLAS keyboard shortcuts
Mouse Gestures
Mouse gestures for panning and zooming


Session Identifier Macros
Macros for populating session metadata from timestamps, session details and incoming data


FDL (Function Definition Language) Operators
Complete list of operators and precedence rules
Function Processors
API reference for pre-defined routines for use in functions
Custom Function DLLs
Quick-reference template for custom functions;
Worked example in Code Samples

ECU Bridge#

Design concepts
Description of the services used by ECU Bridge
How to setup ECU Bridge