Publishing to the Toolkit Config Service#
The gRPC API provides two service calls to publish configuration:
— works for configs up to about 4 MiBPutConfigStream
— is more complex to use, but works with configs of any size
The MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.GrpcClients package has these methods, and also a convenience method which handles the serialization to JSON or FFC at the same time.
using MAT.OCS.Configuration.Builder;
using MAT.OCS.RTA.Model.Net;
using MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.ConfigService;
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder
Applications =
new ApplicationBuilder("demo")
// ...
var configIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
using var configChannel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://localhost:2662");
var client = new ConfigStore.ConfigStoreClient(configChannel);
// handles FFC serialization automatically
await configClient.PutConfigAsync(configIdentifier, config);
// or use this call to explicitly serialize as JSON
// await configClient.PutConfigAsync(configIdentifier, config, MediaTypes.JsonConfig);
using MAT.OCS.Configuration.Builder;
using MAT.OCS.Configuration.Json;
using MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.ConfigService;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder
Applications =
new ApplicationBuilder("demo")
// ...
// serialize some config to JSON
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config, new ConfigurationJsonConverter());
var configIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
using var configChannel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://localhost:2662");
var client = new ConfigStore.ConfigStoreClient(configChannel);
// suitable for up to a bit less than 4 MiB
await client.PutConfigAsync(new PutConfigRequest
Identifier = id,
ContentType = mediaType,
Data = ByteString.CopyFromUtf8(json)
using MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.ConfigService;
var config = new ConfigurationBuilder
Applications =
new ApplicationBuilder("demo")
// ...
// serialize some config to JSON
var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config, new ConfigurationJsonConverter());
var ms = new MemoryStream(new UTF8Encoding(false).GetBytes(json)); // no BOM
// use a new identifier every time if the config is not always the same
var configIdentifier = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
using var configChannel = GrpcChannel.ForAddress("http://localhost:2662");
var client = new ConfigStore.ConfigStoreClient(configChannel);
using var call = client.PutConfigStream(new CallOptions());
var rs = call.RequestStream;
// publish the identifier as the first message
await rs.WriteAsync(new ConfigStreamMessage
Info = new ConfigStreamMessage.Types.ConfigInfo
Identifier = id,
ContentType = mediaType
// publish config a bit at a time - 4 KiB is fine
var buffer = new byte[4096];
var r = 0;
while ((r = ms.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
var msg = new ConfigStreamMessage
Piece = ByteString.CopyFrom(buffer, 0, r)
await rs.WriteAsync(msg);
await rs.CompleteAsync();
await call.ResponseAsync;