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The service provides this private gRPC API to create and manage sessions.

This API enables you to integrate this service into your private data environment.
It's not part of the RTA interface specification, and never called by ATLAS.

Typical Uses:

  • Define sessions as part of a batch process after new data arrives
  • Hook into your ingest pipeline, exposing new sessions to ATLAS in real time
  • Integrate with your other data management tools and web applications


Save this definition to file, and use gRPC tools to create a client in your preferred language.

syntax = "proto3";

package rta.toolkit.api.session_service;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.SessionService";

// Manages Sessions.
// Sessions are a logical way to organize data - like a file system.
// This service includes support for organizing sessions into folders and searching by metadata.
service SessionStore {

    // Gets session folders within a parent folder.
    rpc GetSessionFolders(GetSessionFoldersRequest)
    returns (GetSessionFoldersResponse);

    // Updates a folder.
    // Use this method to move a folder, by updating its parent.
    rpc PutSessionFolder(PutSessionFolderRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

    // Deletes folders. The root folder (empty identity) cannot be deleted.
    // Any sessions left orphaned by this method are reattached to the root folder.
    rpc DeleteSessionFolders(DeleteSessionFoldersRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

    // Gets a summary of session properties.
    // Can be scoped by folder sub-tree.
    rpc GetSessionMetamodel(GetSessionMetamodelRequest)
    returns (GetSessionMetamodelResponse);

    // Queries the session metamodel for properties from the extended session details,
    // which are not exposed in the session or metamodel by default.
    rpc QuerySessionMetamodel(QuerySessionMetamodelRequest)
    returns (QuerySessionMetamodelResponse);

    // Lists sessions, with sorting and paging.
    rpc ListSessions(ListSessionsRequest)
    returns (ListSessionsResponse);

    // Gets the specified session by identity.
    rpc GetSession(GetSessionRequest)
    returns (Session);

    // Creates or updates a session.
    rpc CreateOrUpdateSession(CreateOrUpdateSessionRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

    // Deletes sessions.
    // Sessions that do not exist are silently ignored.
    rpc DeleteSessions(DeleteSessionsRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);


// Request for GetSessionFolders.
message GetSessionFoldersRequest {
    string parent_identity = 1;

// Response for GetSessionFolders.
message GetSessionFoldersResponse {
    repeated SessionFolder folders = 1;

// Request for DeleteSessionFolders.
message DeleteSessionFoldersRequest {
    repeated string folder_identities = 1;

// Request for PutSessionFolder.
message PutSessionFolderRequest {
    string parent_identity = 1;             // Parent folder identity.
    string identity = 2;                    // Folder identity.
    string label = 3;                       // Human-readable label.
    string description = 4;                 // Human-readable description.

// Request for GetSessionMetamodel.
message GetSessionMetamodelRequest {
    string folder_subtree = 1;              // Identity of folder sub-tree to select sessions for the metamodel.
    repeated string json_properties = 2;    // Property keys to include in the JSON response.

// Response for GetSessionMetamodel.
message GetSessionMetamodelResponse {
    string metamodel_json = 1;              // JSON response matching the REST API.

// Request for QuerySessionMetamodel.
message QuerySessionMetamodelRequest {
    string partial_match = 1;               // Partial match to properties.
    string folder_subtree = 2;              // Identity of folder sub-tree to select sessions for the metamodel.

// Response for QuerySessionMetamodel.
message QuerySessionMetamodelResponse {
    repeated PropertySummary property_summaries = 1;    

// Request for GetSession.
message GetSessionRequest {
    string identity = 1;                    // Session identity.
    SessionElements elements = 2;           // Session elements to include.

// Request for DeleteSessions.
message DeleteSessionsRequest {
    repeated string identities = 1;         // Session identities.

// Request for ListSessions.
message ListSessionsRequest {
    string query = 1;                       // JSON query expression matching the REST API.
    string folder_subtree = 2;              // Identity of folder sub-tree to select sessions.
    repeated string sorts = 3;              // Sort directives, formatted as property:[asc|desc]..
    SessionElements session_elements = 4;   // Session elements to include.
    bool include_sub_sessions = 5;          // Include child and alternate sessions in the list. The REST API does not offer this option.
    int32 page_index = 6;                   // Page index (zero-based).
    int32 page_size = 7;                    // Page size.

// Response for ListSessions.
message ListSessionsResponse {
    repeated Session sessions = 1;          // Sessions.

// Request for CreateOrUpdateSession.
message CreateOrUpdateSessionRequest {
    string identity = 1;                        // Session identity.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value sequence = 2;    // If specified, the update will be applied only if the last sequence number was lower. 

    CreateIfNotExists create_if_not_exists = 3; // Initial properties to apply if the session does not already exist.
    repeated SessionUpdate updates = 4;         // Updates to apply together as a transaction.

    // Initial session definition
    message CreateIfNotExists {
        int32 state = 1;                        // Initial state (defaults to closed/4).
        string timestamp = 2;                   // ISO 8601 timestamp (defaults to current UTC time).
        string identifier = 3;                  // Identifier (human-readable name; defaults to identity).

// Update to apply to a session.
// Each update performs a single operation, but multiple updates can be
// specified together in a single transaction.
message SessionUpdate {

    oneof op {
        google.protobuf.Empty update_heartbeat = 1;         // Touches the session.

        int32 set_state = 2;                                // Sets the state.
        string set_timestamp = 3;                           // Sets the ISO 8601 timestamp.

        TimeRange set_time_range = 4;                       // Sets the time-range covered by data in the session.
        TimeRange extend_time_range = 5;                    // Extends the time-range covered by data in the session.
        google.protobuf.Empty clear_time_range = 6;         // Clears the time-range, implying there is no data in the session.

        string set_identifier = 7;                          // Sets the name.

        DetailsMap set_details = 8;                         // Sets the details, which are user-facing key-value metadata.
        DetailsMap update_details = 9;                      // Merges updates to the details, which are user-facing key-value metadata.
        DetailsJson set_details_json = 10;                  // Sets the details from JSON.
        DetailsJson update_details_json = 11;               // Merges updates to details from JSON.
        DetailKeysList delete_details = 12;                 // Deletes details.

        google.protobuf.StringValue set_type = 13;          // Sets the type classifier, indicating the origin or content of the session.
        google.protobuf.Empty clear_type = 14;              // Clears the type classifier.

        double set_quality = 15;                            // Sets the quality indicator in the range 0.0 - 1.0 (worst - best).
        google.protobuf.Empty clear_quality = 16;           // Clears the quality indicator.

        string set_group = 17;                              // Sets a group to enable the client to organize the session into groups amongst peers.
        google.protobuf.Empty clear_group = 18;             // Clears the group.

        string set_version = 19;                            // Sets a SemVer-style version number, which is used together with the group when managing child sessions.
        google.protobuf.Empty clear_version = 20;           // Clears the version number.

        MarkersMap set_markers = 21;                        // Sets markers, which are annotations marking up regions of the session.
        MarkersMap update_markers = 22;                     // Merges updates to the markers.
        MarkerIdsList delete_markers = 23;                  // Deletes markers.

        ConfigBindingsList set_config_bindings = 24;        // Sets config bindings, which associate Configuration with the session.
        ConfigBindingsList update_config_bindings = 25;     // Merges updates to config bindings.
        ConfigIdentifiersList delete_config_bindings = 26;  // Deletes config bindings.

        DataBindingsList set_data_bindings = 27;            // Sets data bindings, which bind data from Data Services to sessions.
        DataBindingsList update_data_bindings = 28;         // Merges updates to data bindings.
        DataBindingKeysList delete_data_bindings = 29;      // Deletes data bindings.

        FoldersList set_folders = 30;                       // Sets folders the session symbolically linked to.
        FoldersList update_folders = 31;                    // Merges updates to the folder sym-links.
        FoldersList delete_folders = 32;                    // Deletes folder sym-links. If this results in the session being orphaned, it is linked to the root folder.

        RefUrisList set_ref_anchors = 33;                   // Sets URIs that act as anchors for alternate and child references.
        RefUrisList update_ref_anchors = 34;                // Merges updates to anchor URIs.
        RefUrisList delete_ref_anchors = 35;                // Deletes anchor URIs.

        RefUrisList set_alternate_of_refs = 36;             // Sets alternate_of references pointing to anchor URIs on other sessions.
        RefUrisList update_alternate_of_refs = 37;          // Merges updates to alternate_of references.
        RefUrisList delete_alternate_of_refs = 38;          // Deletes alternate_of references.

        RefUrisList set_child_of_refs = 39;                 // Sets child_of references pointing to anchor URIs on other sessionsthat this session is a child of.
        RefUrisList update_child_of_refs = 40;              // Merges updates to child_of references.
        RefUrisList delete_child_of_refs = 41;              // Deletes child_of references.

    // Session details where all values are strings.
    message DetailsMap {
        // Category if extended details; otherwise leave blank.
        string category = 1;
        // Details as strings only.
        // Boolean, integer and number values are also allowed: use SessionDetailsJson.
        map<string, string> details = 2;

    // Session details represented as JSON.
    message DetailsJson {
        // Category if extended details; otherwise leave blank.
        string category = 1;
        // Details JSON. Values can be string, boolean, integer, and number.
        string json = 2;

    // List of session detail keys.
    message DetailKeysList {
        // Category if extended details.
        string category = 1;
        // Detail keys.
        repeated string keys = 2;

    // List of marker ids.
    message MarkerIdsList {
        // Marker ids.
        repeated string marker_ids = 1;

    // Session markers, organized by category.
    // A marker id can only appear in one MarkersList.
    message MarkersMap {
        // Markers by category.
        map<string, MarkersList> markers_by_category = 1;

    // List of markers.
    message MarkersList {
        // Markers.
        repeated Marker markers = 1;

    // List of config identifiers.
    message ConfigIdentifiersList {
        // Config identifiers.
        repeated string identifiers = 1;

    // List of config bindings.
    message ConfigBindingsList {
        // Config bindings.
        repeated ConfigBinding config_bindings = 1;

    // List of data binding keys.
    message DataBindingKeysList {
        // Data binding keys.
        repeated DataBindingKey keys = 1;

    // List of data bindings.
    message DataBindingsList {
        // Data bindings.
        repeated DataBinding data_bindings = 1;

    // List of folder identities.
    message FoldersList {
        // Folder identities.
        repeated string identities = 1;

    // List of reference URIs.
    message RefUrisList {
        // Reference URIs.
        repeated string ref_uris = 1;


// Describes the time-range covered by data in a session.
message TimeRange {
    // Start of data, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.
    sfixed64 start_time = 1;        
    // End of data, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.
    sfixed64 end_time = 2;                              

// Virtual folder for organizing sessions.
message SessionFolder {
    // Unique identity; UUID recommended but not required.
    string identity = 1;
    // Human-readable label.
    string label = 2;
    // Human-readable description.
    string description = 3;
    // Indicates whether there are child folders.
    bool has_children = 4;

// Describes a metamodel property.
message PropertySummary {
    // Property id, which is the qualified key.
    // For example, a the "Driver" session detail would be id "details.Driver".
    string id = 1;
    // Human-readable label.
    string label = 2;
    // Human-readable description.
    string description = 3;

// Describes a point or region of data in a session.
message Marker {
    // Unique id within the session.
    string id = 1;
    // Type.
    string type = 2;
    // Human-readable label.
    string label = 3;
    // Human-readable description.
    google.protobuf.StringValue description = 4;
    // Optional start time, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (inclusive).
    // If unspecified, the start of the marker is treated as immediately after the end of the previous marker in the group,
    // or the start of the session if there is no previous marker.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value start_time = 5;
    // Optional end time, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (inclusive).
    // If unspecified, the end of the marker is treated as immediately before the start of the next marker in the group,
    // or the end of the session if there is no next marker.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value end_time = 6;
    // Details object (JSON).
    string details_json = 7;

// Binds configuration to a session.
message ConfigBinding {
    // Config identifier.
    // Corresponds to the identifier used to publish to the Config Service.
    // A single configuration can be bound to multiple sessions.
    string identifier = 1;
    // Channel offset to avoid overlaps between configuration.
    uint32 channel_offset = 2;      

// Uniquely identifies the binding of data onto a session.
message DataBindingKey {
    // Data source token, effectively acting as a namespace for the identity, and used by the Gateway Service to route data requests.
    string source = 1;
    // Data identity. Often a query expression, database key, or file path.
    string identity = 2;
    // Additional qualifier to create a unique key if the data is bound to a session over multiple time-ranges. 
    // The value is arbitrary, but when in use the obvious choice would be the start of each bound time-range.
    int64 time_ref = 3;             

// Binds data onto a session.
// This creates indirection where multiple Data Services can contribute data to a Session.
// The Gateway Service retrieves data bindings using an internal REST API call, and routes requests based on the key data source.
message DataBinding {
    // Uniquely identifies the data binding relative to the session.
    DataBindingKey key = 1;

    // Start of time range covered in the session (inclusive), in nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch.
    // Unbounded if not specified.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value session_start_time = 2;

    // End of time range covered in the session (inclusive), in nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch.
    // Unbounded if not specified.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value session_end_time = 3;

    // Offset of session time relative to data time, in nanoseconds.
    // Zero implies that the data time is the same.
    sint64 session_time_offset = 4;

    // Maps channels onto the session.
    // If no channel bindings are specified, channel-based data requests (row, periodic, timestamped) are not bound.
    repeated DataChannelBinding data_channel_bindings = 5;

// Represents a range of data channels bound onto a session.
message DataChannelBinding {
    // Lowest numbered data channel corresponding to the lowest numbered session channel, to allow any necessary offset to be applied.
    uint32 first_data_channel = 1;
    // Lowest numbered channel (inclusive) in range, relative to the configuration bound to the session.
    // If different from first_data_channel, this implies on-the-fly data transformation.
    uint32 first_session_channel = 2;
    // Highest numbered channel (inclusive) in range, relative to the configuration bound to the session.
    uint32 last_session_channel = 3;

// Selects elements to be retrieved when calling ListSessions or GetSession.
message SessionElements {
    // JSON representation of the session as served via the REST API.
    bool json = 1;
    // Specific JSON properties to include.
    repeated string json_properties = 2;
    // Last time the session was touched.
    bool heartbeat_utc = 3;
    // Data Bindings describing how data should be retrieved from Data Services.
    bool data_bindings = 4;
    // Folder membership.
    bool folders = 5;
    // References between sessions.
    bool refs = 6;

// Service session: a super-set of the REST session model and the other elements modelled by the Session Service.
message Session {
    // Session identity (always present).
    string identity = 1;
    // If selected: JSON representation of the session as served via the REST API.
    string json = 2;
    // If selected: Last time the session was touched.
    string heartbeat_utc = 3;
    // If selected: Data Bindings describing how data should be retrieved from Data Services.
    repeated DataBinding data_bindings = 4;
    // If selected: Folder membership.
    repeated string folders = 5;
    // If selected (refs element): Anchor URIs that can be targets for references from other sessions.
    repeated string ref_anchors = 6;
    // If selected (refs element): References to other sessions for which the session is a child.
    repeated string child_of_refs = 7;
    // If selected (refs element): References to other sessions for which the session is an alternate.
    repeated string alternate_of_refs = 8;