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This IDL is used in WebSocket communications for live streaming data from the Stream Service.

When the client initially connects, the server begins sending StreamDataBurst (binary) messages.
These intially include only session_json and time_range updates, but the client can widen its subscription to include data by sending StreamRequest messages.

syntax = "proto3";


import "protos/API/model_data.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "MAT.OCS.RTA.Model.Net.Stream";

// Describes a change to the data subscription
message StreamSubscription {
    // Events mask.
    bool all_events = 1;
    // All data channels mask.
    bool all_data_channels = 2;
    // Specific data channels mask.
    repeated uint32 data_channel_ids = 3;

// Request from the client.
message StreamRequest {

    // 1 - for a request id if we decide we need one
    reserved 1;

    // Request option.
    oneof option {
        // Widens the subscription.
        StreamSubscription subscribe = 2;

// Updates the session time range.
message StreamTimeRange {

    // Start time (inclusive) in nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch.
    sfixed64 start_time = 1;

    // End time (inclusive) in nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch.
    sfixed64 end_time = 2;

// Base message for all stream data.
message StreamData {

    // 1 - for a request completion if we decide we need one
    reserved 1;

    oneof data {

        // Session JSON update. The format must match the web service specification.
        // This is the first message downloaded by a new web socket connection, so it is not possible
        // to establish a stream session until at least one Session JSON update has been streamed.
        // If collections of details, laps, config bindings etc are null - not empty - it is assumed
        // they are unavailable and they will be merged in from the Session JSON downloaded from the service.
        string session_json = 2;

        // Time range update.
        // This needs to be sent regularly so that the data viewer can pan smoothly to show
        // activity, even if no data subscription has been applied.
        // The overall session time range is expanded to cover this update.
        StreamTimeRange time_range = 3;

        // Timestamped Data timestamped_data = 4;

        // Periodic Data periodic_data = 5;

        // Row Data row_data = 6;

        // Event event = 7;



// Burst of StreamData to improve transfer efficiency.
message StreamDataBurst {
    // One or more StreamData.
    repeated StreamData data = 1;