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syntax = "proto3";

package rta.toolkit.api.chunk_service;

import "protos/API/model_data.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.DataService";

// Request messages for WriteDataStream.
message WriteDataStreamMessage {
    oneof type {
        string data_identity = 1;               // Data identity to write. Format and length is restricted based on the backing store.
        string flush_marker = 2;                // Requests a flush, to be acknowledged with this marker when completed. Don't flush too frequently or write and read performance will drop off. timestamped_data = 3;    // Timestamped Data to write. Note that individual data items are written, but they are read back in lists. periodic_data = 4;          // Periodic Data to write. Note that individual data items are written, but they are read back in lists. row_data = 5;                    // Row Data to write. Note that individual data items are written, but they are read back in lists. event = 6;                         // Event to write. Note that individual data items are written, but they are read back in lists.

// Response messages for WriteDataStream.
message WriteDataStreamResponseMessage {
    oneof type {
        string flush_completed = 1;             // Indicates that a requested flush is completd by echoing back the flush marker.

// Request for ReadEventsStream.
message ReadDataStreamRequest {
    string data_identity = 1;                   // Data identity to read.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value start_time = 2;  // Optional start time to include in the request, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (inclusive). May over-read before this point.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value end_time = 3;    // Optional end time to include in the request, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (inclusive). May over-read after this point.

// Request for ReadTimestampedDataStream / ReadPeriodicDataStream / ReadRowDataStream.
message ReadChannelDataStreamRequest {
    string data_identity = 1;                   // Data identity to read.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value start_time = 2;  // Optional start time to include in the request, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (inclusive). May over-read before this point.
    google.protobuf.Int64Value end_time = 3;    // Optional end time to include in the request, in nanoseconds since the Unix epoch (inclusive). May over-read after this point.
    string channels = 4;                        // Channels expression, as used in the REST API - e.g. "-5,7,B-D,14-"

// Writes RTA data to storage.
service DataWriter {
    // Writes a stream of RTA data.
    rpc WriteDataStream(stream WriteDataStreamMessage)
    returns (stream WriteDataStreamResponseMessage);

// Reads RTA data from storage.
service DataReader {
    // Reads timestamped data.
    rpc ReadTimestampedDataStream(ReadChannelDataStreamRequest)
    returns (stream;

    // Reads periodic data.
    rpc ReadPeriodicDataStream(ReadChannelDataStreamRequest)
    returns (stream;

    // Reads row data.
    rpc ReadRowDataStream(ReadChannelDataStreamRequest)
    returns (stream;

    // Reads events.
    rpc ReadEventsStream(ReadDataStreamRequest)
    returns (stream;