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syntax = "proto3";

package rta.toolkit.api.config_service;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.ConfigService";

// Stream message for ConfigStore.PutConfigStream and ConfigStore.GetConfigStream.
message ConfigStreamMessage {

    // Message type.
    oneof type {
        ConfigInfo info = 1;        // Metadata - must be the first message.
        bytes piece = 2;            // Piece of config data.

    // Config info.
    message ConfigInfo {
        string identifier = 1;      // Unique config identifier.
        string content_type = 2;    // One of "application/vnd.mat.config+json" or "application/vnd.mat.config+ffc".

// Request for ConfigStore.PutConfig.
message PutConfigRequest {
    string identifier = 1;          // Unique config identifier.
    string content_type = 2;        // One of "application/vnd.mat.config+json" or "application/vnd.mat.config+ffc".
    bytes data = 3;                 // Config data.

// Request for ConfigStore.HasConfig.
message HasConfigRequest {
    string identifier = 1;          // Unique config identifier.

// Request for ConfigStore.GetConfig.
message GetConfigRequest {
    string identifier = 1;          // Unique config identifier.

// Response for ConfigStore.GetConfig.
message GetConfigResponse {
    string content_type = 1;        // One of "application/vnd.mat.config+json" or "application/vnd.mat.config+ffc".
    bytes data = 2;                 // Config data.

// Request for ConfigStore.DeleteConfig.
message DeleteConfigRequest {
    string identifier = 1;          // Unique config identifier.

// Manages RTA Configuration.
// Configuration describes telemetry, in terms of parameters, events, formatting, etc.
service ConfigStore {

    // Stores a config unless it already exists.
    // The request is size-limited to 4 MiB by default. For large configs, call PutConfigStream.
    rpc PutConfig(PutConfigRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

    // Stores a config as a stream unless it already exists.
    // The first message in the stream must be info containing the config identifier and content type.
    rpc PutConfigStream(stream ConfigStreamMessage)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

    // Checks whether a config is stored.
    rpc HasConfig(HasConfigRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.BoolValue);

    // Gets a config.
    // The response is size-limited to 4 MiB by default. For large configs, call GetRequestStream.
    rpc GetConfig(GetConfigRequest)
    returns (GetConfigResponse);

    // Gets a config as a stream.
    // The first message in the stream is info containing the config identifier and content type.
    rpc GetConfigStream(GetConfigRequest)
    returns (stream ConfigStreamMessage);

    // Deletes a config if it exists, succeeding silently if it does not.
    // Use with care. Unpublishing configuration will break any sessions that have it bound.
    rpc DeleteConfig(DeleteConfigRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
