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RTA Gateway Service#

This service is part of the RTA Toolkit Services suite.

It is a reverse proxy, and would typically be deployed in front of:

  • Session Service — handling session management, browsing and filtering
  • Config Service — handling configuration storage and retrieval
  • Data Service — or storage-specific service, handling retrieval of data samples and events

This microservices-style deployment is very flexible, allowing you to independently scale components and add in your own implementations. For example, if you want to use multiple data storage technologies, you can deploy multiple data services behind the Gateway Service.

As an alternative, the Server package provides most of this functionality in one convenient executable for development use.

The service exposes the outward-facing REST interface to ATLAS users. There is no gRPC interface.

It is available as a binary for Windows and Linux, and as a Docker image.



docker run --rm \
  -e RTA_SessionServiceUri=http://myhost:2650/ \
  -e RTA_ConfigServiceUri=http://myhost:2660/ \
  -e RTA_DataServiceUris__mydata=http://myhost:2670/ \
  -p 80:80 -p 443:443 \

Command Line#

rta-gatewaysvc --SessionServiceUri "http://myhost:2650/" --ConfigServiceUri "http://myhost:2660/" --DataServiceUris:mydata "http://myhost:2670/"


Port Protocol Usage
80 HTTP Expose to ATLAS via a TLS-enabled ingress
443 HTTPS Expose to ATLAS directly or via an ingress


Returns 200 OK and reports the software version. In Kubernetes, use this for liveness probes.
HTTP GET /health
Returns 200 OK if the service is up and all configured service URIs are accessible at their root path.
In Kubernetes, use this for readiness probes.
HTTP GET /metrics
Prometheus metrics, including the health check status.


The service must be configured with URIs to the Session Service, Config Service and typically one or more data services.

The RTA Toolkit provides drop-in implementations, but you can substitute your own as long as it implements the service interface.

Options can be set using both environment variables and command line arguments, or by the provided appsettings.config JSON configuration file.

Environment variables are all prefixed with RTA_, and can be written in ALLCAPS or MixedCase.
For example, SessionServiceUri is RTA_SESSIONSERVICEURI or RTA_SessionServiceUri.

For Linux and on Kubernetes, also replace : with __.
For example, Category:Item is RTA_CATEGORY__ITEM.

Option Value Required
SessionServiceUri URI to Session Service or customer implementation yes
ConfigServiceUri URI to Config Service or customer implementation yes
DataServiceUris:<source> URIs to Data Service deployments or customer implementations, identified by <source> zero or more

Service Info#

ATLAS will poll /rta/v2/info to check whether authentication is required, and retrieve a label and description to display to the user.

These are configurable. This is particularly useful in an environment where users be using multiple services, perhaps hosted at different locations.

Option Value Required Default
ServiceInfo:​Label Human-readable short label no Text including the hostname
ServiceInfo:Description Human-readable description no

Authentication and Authorization#

These options enable OAuth 2.0 support.

Bearer tokens are forwarded to the configured services.

Option Value Required
EnableAuth true or false no
Auth:Authority OAuth2 authorization server if EnableAuth=​true
Auth:Audience OAuth2 audience if EnableAuth=​true