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RTA Influx Data Service#

This service is part of the RTA Toolkit Services suite.

It provides a data adapter for InfluxDB, to be exposed to users via the Gateway Service.

This service is intended to be used alongside the Session Service, Config Service, Stream Service (if live updates are required) and Gateway Service as a reverse proxy to bring the capabilties together. The Schema Mapping Service is also required as a support service, to describe the mapping between the InfluxDB domain model (measurements, fields) and the RTA domain model.

It is available as a binary for Windows and Linux, and as a Docker image.


This version only supports InfluxQL, not Flux.


Data Identity and Filter Expressions#

The data identity is passed to the service in the URI:


For this service, the data identity is an InfluxDB filter expression, in InfluxQL:

if the data identity (filter expression) is: someData='50835ebe-a7f6-453b-9efd-c956e6da09f4'
the resulting query will include: ... WHERE (someData='50835ebe-a7f6-453b-9efd-c956e6da09f4') ...
the URI will look like: http://myhost:2670/rta/v2/data/streamId='50835ebe-a7f6-453b-9efd-c956e6da09f4'/timestamped/-

This expression is merged into the data retrieval query and must therefore come from a trusted source. Do not compose this filter expression directly from user data.

The expression is automatically wrapped in brackets in the query. You can use complex boolean expressions with relational comparisons.

Publishing Schema Mappings#

You must publish a Schema Mapping to the Schema Mapping Service.

You must define:

Path Value Required Default
data_source Namespace for Schema Mappings. Must match the DataSource service configuration option. yes
data_identity Query filter expression (see above). yes​[dialect] Query dialect. Only influxql is currently supported, but flux will be supported in future versions. no from service config​[database] InfluxQL database. no from service config​[retention_policy] InfluxQL retention policy. no from service config​[measurement] InfluxQL measurement. no from service config
schema_mapping.field_mappings Mapping from database fields to RTA channel numbers — see below. no
schema_mapping.event_mappings Mapping from event data to RTA event Ids — see below. no

The field_mappings enable the service to select fields matching the incoming RTA channel-based request.

Each FieldMapping looks like this:

Path Value Required
source_field Database field name. yes
target_channel RTA channel number. yes
source_field_data_type currently unused: all fields are double-precision no
target_channel_data_type currently unused, but may be used in future no
properties currently unused for this service no


In JSON format:

  "dataSource": "mydata",
  "dataIdentity": "someData='50835ebe-a7f6-453b-9efd-c956e6da09f4'",
  "schemaMapping": {
    "properties": {
      "dialect": "influxql",
      "database": "mydb",
      "measurement": "mydata"
    "fieldMappings": [
        "sourceField": "aaa",
        "targetChannel": 0
        "sourceField": "bbb",
        "targetChannel": 1
        "sourceField": "ccc",
        "targetChannel": 2
    "eventMappings": []

In this example, an RTA request for channels 1,2 would translate to an InfluxQL query like this:

SELECT "bbb", "ccc" FROM "mydb"."autogen"."mydata" WHERE (someData='50835ebe-a7f6-453b-9efd-c956e6da09f4')



InfluxDB 1.8+:

docker run --rm \
  -e RTA_DataSource=mydata \
  -e RTA_SchemaMappingGrpcUri=http://myhost:2682/ \
  -e RTA_InfluxUri=http://myhost:8086/ \
  -e RTA_MaxFrequency=100 \
  -p 2690:2690 -p 2691:2691 \

Earlier versions:

docker run --rm \
  -e RTA_DataSource=mydata \
  -e RTA_SchemaMappingGrpcUri=http://myhost:2682/ \
  -e RTA_InfluxUri=http://myhost:8086/ \
  -e RTA_InfluxHealthCheckPath=/ping \
  -e RTA_MaxFrequency=100 \
  -p 2690:2690 -p 2691:2691 \

Command Line#

rta-influxdatasvc --DataSource mydata --SchemaMappingGrpcUri "http://myhost:2682/" --InfluxUri "http://myhost:8086/" --MaxFrequency 100


Port Protocol Usage
2690 HTTP Expose to ATLAS via Gateway Service
2691 HTTPS Expose to ATLAS via Gateway Service

There is no gRPC interface, and you cannot write data using this service.


Returns 200 OK and reports the software version. In Kubernetes, use this for liveness probes.
HTTP GET /health
Returns 200 OK if the service is up and both InfluxDB and the Schema Mapping Service are reachable and healthy.
In Kubernetes, use this for readiness probes.
HTTP GET /metrics
Prometheus metrics, including the health check status.


The service must be configured with URIs to InfluxDB and the Schema Mapping Service.

Options can be set using both environment variables and command line arguments, or by the provided appsettings.config JSON configuration file.

Environment variables are all prefixed with RTA_, and can be written in ALLCAPS or MixedCase.
For example, DataSource is RTA_DATASOURCE or RTA_DataSource.

For Linux and on Kubernetes, also replace : with __.
For example, Category:Item is RTA_CATEGORY__ITEM.

Option Value Required Default
DataSource Namespace for lookups to the Schema Mapping Service. Should match the token used with the Session Service and Gateway Service. yes
SchemaMappingGrpcUri URI to the Schema Mapping Service gRPC interface — e.g. http://localhost:2682/ yes
InfluxUri URI to InfluxDB — e.g. http://localhost:8086/ yes
InfluxHealthCheckPath Path to use for health checks against InfluxDB. For versions prior than 1.8, use /ping. no /health
MaxFrequency Approximate maximum frequency of data, for performance optimization. no 100

Authentication and Authorization#

These options enable OAuth 2.0 support.

Bearer tokens are forwarded to the configured services.

Option Value Required
EnableAuth true or false no
Auth:​Authority OAuth2 authorization server if EnableAuth=​true
Auth:​Audience OAuth2 audience if EnableAuth=​true

Schema Mapping Defaults#

These options specify default Schema Mapping properties if not specified via the Schema Mapping Service.

Option Value Required Default
SchemaMappingDefaults:Dialect Query dialect to use for lookups. Currently only supports influxql, but will also support flux in future. no influxql
SchemaMappingDefaults:​InfluxQL:​Database InfluxQL database. no
SchemaMappingDefaults:​InfluxQL:​RetentionPolicy InfluxQL retention policy. no autogen
SchemaMappingDefaults:​InfluxQL:Measurement InfluxQL measurement. no