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syntax = "proto3";

package rta.toolkit.api.schema_mapping_service;

import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";

option csharp_namespace = "MAT.OCS.RTA.Toolkit.API.SchemaMappingService";

// Data type for the target channel, assumed to be little-endian unless otherwise specified.
// This is optional information that may not be used by a data service.
// Consult the data service documentation to determine its specific requirements and capabilities.
enum TargetChannelDataType {
    reserved 9;
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0;   // No target data type specified. This is the default.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_UINT8 = 2;         // Unsigned 8-bit integer.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_INT8 = 3;          // Signed 8-bit integer.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_UINT16 = 4;        // Unsigned 16-bit integer.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_INT16 = 5;         // Signed 16-bit integer.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_UINT32 = 6;        // Unsigned 32-bit integer.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_INT32 = 7;         // Signed 32-bit integer.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_FLOAT32 = 8;       // 32-bit (single-precision) floating-point number.
    TARGET_CHANNEL_DATA_TYPE_DOUBLE64 = 10;     // 64-bit (double-precision) floating-point number.

// Represents a mapping from a data source schema to the RTA domain model.
message SchemaMapping {
    map<string, string> properties = 1;         // Metadata applying to all fields and events.
    repeated FieldMapping field_mappings = 2;   // Mappings for fields/parameters/channels.
    repeated EventMapping event_mappings = 3;   // Mappings for events.

// Represents a mapping from a field/parameter to an RTA channel.
message FieldMapping {
    string source_field = 1;                    // Field name/id in the source schema. Free-form.
    uint32 target_channel = 2;                  // Channel id in the RTA configuration.

    map<string, string> properties = 3;         // Metadata applying to this field.
    string source_field_data_type = 4;          // Source data type. Optional; empty if unused.
    TargetChannelDataType target_channel_data_type = 5; // Target channel data type. Optional; unspecified (0) if unused.

// Represents a mapping from a source schema event to an RTA event.
message EventMapping {
    string source_event = 1;                    // Event name/id in the source schema. Free-form.
    string target_event_app = 2;                // App name of event definition in the RTA configuration.
    int32 target_event_id = 3;                  // Event definition id in the RTA configuration.

    map<string, string> properties = 4;         // Metadata applying to this event.
    repeated string source_event_data_fields = 5; // Fields contributing event data. Optional; empty if unused.

// Request for PutSchemaMapping.
message PutSchemaMappingRequest {
    string data_source = 1;             // Data source token. Acts as a namespace for the data identity.
    string data_identity = 2;           // Data session identity, which together with data source uniquely binds to a session. In practice this is often a filename, database id, or query expression.
    SchemaMapping schema_mapping = 3;   // Schema Mapping to store.

// Request for HasSchemaMapping
message HasSchemaMappingRequest {
    string data_source = 1;             // Data source token. Acts as a namespace for the data identity.
    string data_identity = 2;           // Data session identity, which together with data source uniquely binds to a session.

// Request for GetSchemaMapping
message GetSchemaMappingRequest {
    string data_source = 1;             // Data source token. Acts as a namespace for the data identity.
    string data_identity = 2;           // Data session identity, which together with data source uniquely binds to a session.

// Request for QuerySchemaMapping.
message QuerySchemaMappingRequest {
    string data_source = 1;             // Data source token. Acts as a namespace for the data identity.
    string data_identity = 2;           // Data session identity, which together with data source uniquely binds to a session.
    string select_channels = 3;         // Selects channels to be returned, as an expression - e.g. "-5,7,B-D,14-"
    bool select_events = 4;             // Selects whether event mappings should be returned.

// Request for DeleteSchemaMapping.
message DeleteSchemaMappingRequest {
    string data_source = 1;             // Data source token. Acts as a namespace for the data identity.
    string data_identity = 2;           // Data session identity, which together with data source uniquely binds to a session.

// Manages Schema Mappings.
// Schema Mappings describe transformations from a data store schema to the RTA domain model.
service SchemaMappingStore {

    // Checks whether a Schema Mapping is stored.
    rpc HasSchemaMapping(HasSchemaMappingRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.BoolValue);

    // Gets a Schema Mapping.
    rpc GetSchemaMapping(GetSchemaMappingRequest)
    returns (SchemaMapping);

    // Queries a Schema Mapping, filtering the result to include only selected channels and (all/none) events.
    // The channels filter is the same simple expression langauge used in the REST API.
    rpc QuerySchemaMapping(QuerySchemaMappingRequest)
    returns (SchemaMapping);

    // Creates or updates a Schema Mapping.
    // The exact content will vary according to the requirements of the data service.
    // Consult the service documentation for details.
    rpc PutSchemaMapping(PutSchemaMappingRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);

    // Deletes a Schema Mapping.
    // This is safer than deleting config since it is bound to a specific session,
    // but you should still verify that the session is no longer required.
    rpc DeleteSchemaMapping(DeleteSchemaMappingRequest)
    returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
