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Data Basics#

RTA supports four data representations:

Representation Columnar1 Variable Rate Text Support
Timestamped Data yes yes enum only
Periodic Data yes no enum only
Row Data no yes enum only
Event yes yes enums or free-text

These are all defined in the protobuf schema. Pre-compiled classes are available for .NET in our NuGet packages, or you can use the protobuf compiler to generate idiomatic code from the schema in a range of languages.

All RTA data timestamps are measured in nanoseconds since the Unix Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00Z).


Since data timestamps are an offset from UTC, you must subtract the timezone offset from local timestamps — or use a library function that handles timezones.

For example, these ISO 8601 timestamps are all the same offset (1609502400000000000):

  • 2021-01-01T13:00:00+01:00
  • 2021-01-01T12:00:00Z
  • 2021-01-01T04:00:00-08:00


  • 1 second = 1,000,000,000 nanoseconds
  • 1 millisecond = 1,000,000 nanoseconds
  • 1 tick (Windows) = 100 nanoseconds
var ts = DateTimeOffset.Parse("2021-01-01T13:00:00+01:00");
var nanos = (ts - DateTimeOffset.UnixEpoch).Ticks * 100;
Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: " + nanos);
Timestamp: 1609502400000000000

Timestamped Data#

This representation encodes short bursts of samples, at a variable rate, for one channel.


message TimestampedData {
    // Channel Id.
    uint32 channel_id = 1;

    // Start timestamp, in nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch.
    sfixed64 start_timestamp = 2;

    // Multiplier (ns) to apply to timestamp deltas.
    int64 timestamp_deltas_scale = 3;

    // Timestamp deltas (ns / multiplier) for each sample relative to the previous one.
    // The first delta is always zero.
    // If the interval is constant, all subsequent deltas should be identical.
    // If the multiplier were set to the interval, the subsequent deltas would all be 1.
    // This scheme allows for efficient variable-length encoding.
    repeated int64 timestamp_deltas = 4;

    // Buffer of samples. Every sample must be encoded to alike and to the same width
    // so the buffer is splittable; the rest of the encoding is defined in config.
    bytes buffer = 5;

Combining the delta-encoding scheme with protobuf variable-length integer encoding results in a compact, compressible message.

Worked Example

Input data:

Timestamp Channel 16 (double)
2021-05-04T11:50:55Z 12.7
2021-05-04T11:50:59Z 14.9
2021-05-04T11:51:04Z 21.2


Field Value Note
channel_id 16 Can only represent a single channel at a time.
start_timestamp 1620129055000000000 Nanoseconds since Unix epoch (UTC).
timestamp_deltas_scale 1000000000 Input data has timestamps at 1 second resolution.
timestamp_deltas [0, 4, 5] Note that the deltas are relative to each other.
buffer 0x 6666666666662940 CDCCCCCCCCCC2D40 3333333333333540 Little-endian bytes (hex).


Bursts of data must never overlap each other.

Data is served from the REST API in chunks using this list type:

message TimestampedDataList {
    // Zero or more timestamped data items.
    repeated TimestampedData timestamped_data = 1;

Code Samples#

Using MAT.OCS.RTA.API to encode double-precision data:

static TimestampedData Encode(uint channelId, long[] timestamps, double[] samples)
    var burst = new TimestampedData { ChannelId = channelId };
    burst.Buffer = ByteString.CopyFrom(MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(samples.AsSpan()));
    return burst;


  • SetTimestamps is an extension method, setting the start_timestamp, timestamp_deltas_scale and timestamp_deltas.
    The scale is calculated from the Greatest Common Divisor. This has a neligible peformance impact.
    There is a corresponding FillTimestamps method to unpack timestamps into an array.
  • MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(...) is the most efficient way to cast values to a buffer. Buffer.BlockCopy is the .NET Framework alternative but involves an extra array and copy operation.
  • Memory allocation is the biggest performance bottleback. Both SetTimestamps and ByteString.CopyFrom allocate on the heap and this cannot be avoided using the C# generated protobuf classes, but try to reuse the timestamps and samples arrays or rent them from an ArrayPool.

The configuration should look like this:

new ChannelBuilder(channelId, 0L, DataType.Double64Bit, ChannelDataSource.Timestamped)


  • The Interval should always be 0 for Timestamped Data
  • The DataType must match the values array type (double[] in this sample)
  • The DataSource must be ChannelDataSource.Timestamped
  • The ByteOrder should be little-endian — but this is already the default

Representing ushort (unsigned 16-bit) values is almost exactly the same:

static TimestampedData Encode(uint channelId, long[] timestamps, ushort[] samples)
    var burst = new TimestampedData { ChannelId = channelId };
    burst.Buffer = ByteString.CopyFrom(MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(samples.AsSpan()));
    return burst;

But the configuration does need to be updated for ATLAS:

new ChannelBuilder(channelId, 0L, DataType.Unsigned16Bit, ChannelDataSource.Timestamped)
private static void DecodeList<T>(TimestampedDataList dataList) where T : struct
    foreach (var data in dataList.TimestampedData)
        var sampleCount = data.TimestampDeltas.Count;
        var timestamps = ArrayPool<long>.Shared.Rent(sampleCount);
            data.FillTimestamps(timestamps); // valid up to sampleCount
            var samples = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, T>(data.Buffer.Span);

            // consume timestamps and samples ...

Periodic Data#

This representation encodes short bursts of data sampled at regular intervals, for one channel.


message PeriodicData {
    // Channel Id.
    uint32 channel_id = 1;

    // Start timestamp, in nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch.
    sfixed64 start_timestamp = 2;

    // Interval between samples (ns).
    int64 interval = 3;

    // Number of samples in the buffer.
    int32 samples = 4;

    // Buffer of samples. Every sample must be encoded to alike and to the same width
    // so the buffer is splittable; the rest of the encoding is defined in configuration.
    bytes buffer = 5;

This schema can be significantly more efficient than Timestamped Data because it does not need to represent timestamps for each value. It is also a bit easier to encode.

The interval field enables a burst to be split by timestamp without reference to configuration.


This representation is ideal for samples from hardware or software with an accurate schedule.
Clock-drift and other timing discontinuities can be handled by starting a new burst.

Worked Example

Input data:

Timestamp Channel 16 (double)
2021-05-04T11:50:55Z 12.7
2021-05-04T11:50:60Z 14.9
2021-05-04T11:51:10Z 21.2


There is a timing discontinuity (skipped sample), so the data must be split into two bursts:

Field Value Note
channel_id 16 Can only represent a single channel at a time.
start_timestamp 1620129055000000000 Nanoseconds since Unix epoch (UTC).
interval 5000000000 Timestamps at 5 second intervals.
samples 2 Number of samples.
buffer 0x 6666666666662940 CDCCCCCCCCCC2D40 Little-endian bytes (hex).
Field Value Note
channel_id 16 Can only represent a single channel at a time.
start_timestamp 1620129070000000000 Nanoseconds since Unix epoch (UTC).
interval 5000000000 Timestamps at 5 second intervals.
samples 1 Number of samples.
buffer 0x 3333333333333540 Little-endian bytes (hex).


Bursts of data must never overlap each other.

Data is served from the REST API in chunks using this list type:

message PeriodicDataList {
    // Zero or more periodic data items.
    repeated PeriodicData periodic_data = 1;

Code Samples#

Using MAT.OCS.RTA.API to encode double-precision data:

static PeriodicData Encode(uint channelId, long startTimestamp, long interval, double[] samples)
    return new PeriodicData
        ChannelId = channelId,
        StartTimestamp = startTimestamp,
        Interval = interval,
        Samples = samples.Length,
        Buffer = ByteString.CopyFrom(MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(samples.AsSpan()))


  • MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(...) is the most efficient way to cast values to a buffer. Buffer.BlockCopy is the .NET Framework alternative but involves an extra array and copy operation.
  • Memory allocation is the biggest performance bottleback. ByteString.CopyFrom allocates on the heap and this cannot be avoided using the C# generated protobuf classes, but try to reuse samples array or rent it from an ArrayPool.

The configuration should look like this:

new ChannelBuilder(channelId, interval, DataType.Double64Bit, ChannelDataSource.Periodic)


  • The Interval should always match the interval in the PeriodicData messages
  • The DataType must match the values array type (double[] in this sample)
  • The DataSource must be ChannelDataSource.Periodic
  • The ByteOrder should be little-endian — but this is already the default

Representing ushort (unsigned 16-bit) values is almost exactly the same:

static PeriodicData Encode(uint channelId, long startTimestamp, long interval, ushort[] samples)
    return new PeriodicData
        ChannelId = channelId,
        StartTimestamp = startTimestamp,
        Interval = interval,
        Samples = samples.Length,
        Buffer = ByteString.CopyFrom(MemoryMarshal.AsBytes(samples.AsSpan()))

But the configuration does need to be updated for ATLAS:

new ChannelBuilder(channelId, interval, DataType.Unsigned16Bit, ChannelDataSource.Periodic)
private static void DecodeList<T>(PeriodicDataList dataList) where T : struct
    foreach (var data in dataList.PeriodicData)
        var startTimestamp = data.StartTimestamp;
        var samples = MemoryMarshal.Cast<byte, T>(data.Buffer.Span);

        // ...

Row Data#

This representation encodes packed buffers covering multiple channels.


message RowData {
    // Channel Ids, in the order they are present in the buffer.
    repeated uint32 channel_ids = 1;

    // Timestamp, in nanoseconds relative to the Unix epoch.
    sfixed64 timestamp = 2;

    // Buffer of samples.
    // The encoding may vary by channel, as defined in configuration.
    bytes buffer = 3;

This encoding cannot be parsed without reference to configuration.

Worked Example

Input data:

Timestamp Channel 16 (double) Channel 17 (ushort) Channel 18 (float)
2021-05-04T11:50:55Z 12.7 234 0.7


Field Value Note
channel_ids [16, 17, 18] Can represent multiple channels at a time.
timestamp 1620129055000000000 Nanoseconds since Unix epoch (UTC).
buffer 0x 6666666666662940 EA00 3333333F Little-endian bytes (hex).


Channels need to be consistently grouped together — for example, channels [16, 17, 18] above must be the same in all bursts.

Data is served from the REST API in chunks using this list type:

message RowDataList {
    // Zero or more row data items.
    repeated RowData row_data = 1;

Code Samples#

Using MAT.OCS.RTA.API to encode data as in Worked Example above:

static RowData Encode(long timestamp, uint[] channelIds, double x, ushort y, float z)
    const int xOffset = 0, xLength = sizeof(double);
    const int yOffset = xOffset + xLength, yLength = sizeof(ushort);
    const int zOffset = yOffset + yLength, zLength = sizeof(float);

    Span<byte> bytes = stackalloc byte[xLength + yLength + zLength];
    BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(bytes.Slice(xOffset, xLength), x);
    BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(bytes.Slice(yOffset, yLength), y);
    BitConverter.TryWriteBytes(bytes.Slice(zOffset, zLength), z);

    return new RowData
        ChannelIds = {channelIds},
        Timestamp = timestamp,
        Buffer = ByteString.CopyFrom(bytes)

The configuration should look like this:

var xCh = new ChannelBuilder(16, 0L, DataType.Double64Bit, ChannelDataSource.RowData);
var yCh = new ChannelBuilder(17, 0L, DataType.Unsigned16Bit, ChannelDataSource.RowData);
var zCh = new ChannelBuilder(18, 0L, DataType.FloatingPoint32Bit, ChannelDataSource.RowData);


  • The Interval should always be 0, since the data is non-periodic
  • The DataType must match the values array type (double[] in this sample)
  • The DataSource must be ChannelDataSource.Periodic
  • The ByteOrder should be little-endian — but this is already the default
private static void DecodeList(RowDataList dataList)
    foreach (var data in dataList.RowData)
        var timestamp = data.Timestamp;
        var packedSamples = data.Buffer.Span;

        // ...


This representation is a moment in time with some associated data.
For example, this could represent a switch being toggled.

ATLAS treats events quite differently to sampled data:

  • dedicated display for listing and filtering
  • rendered on the waveform timeline, rather than the plot area
  • can capture the event multiple times in the same instant

Events can carry status text — or up to three values which are then formatted to text.


message Event {
    // Unique event definition id.
    // This should correspond to an Event Definition in configuration.
    int32 event_definition_id = 1;

    // App name/identifier as a qualifier in case there is ambiguity.
    string app_name = 2;

    // Timestamp, in nanoseconds relative to the session epoch.
    sfixed64 timestamp = 3;

    // Text representation of the event (may be empty).
    // If empty, this will be substituted for formatted raw_data
    string status_text = 4;

    // Raw data values associated with the event.
    // The corresponding Event Definition specifies conversions
    // to be applied to this data to produce formatted status_text (if needed).
    repeated double raw_data = 5;

Events are described in configuration, by event_definition_id (located in an app with the corresponding app_name).


We recommend that event definition ids are globally-unique, to avoid tool compatibility issues.

Data is served from the REST API in chunks using this list type:

message EventsList {
    // Zero or more events.
    repeated Event events = 1;

Code Samples#

static Event EncodeWithText(int eventDefinitionId, string appName, long timestamp, string text)
    return new Event
        EventDefinitionId = eventDefinitionId,
        AppName = appName,
        Timestamp = timestamp,
        StatusText = text

The configuration should look like this:

new ApplicationBuilder(appName)
    EventDefinitions =
        new EventDefinitionBuilder(eventDefinitionId,
            $"{eventDefinitionId:X4}:{appName} This is an example event")
            Priority = EventPriority.Medium


Format the event definition description to include the Id and AppName as a prefix, as shown:

  • Event Definition Id as four-digit hex
  • ':' separator
  • App name

This avoids a known issue with ATLAS event filtering and may become unnecessary in future.

static Event EncodeWithValues(int eventDefinitionId, string appName, long timestamp, double[] values)
    return new Event
        EventDefinitionId = eventDefinitionId,
        AppName = appName,
        Timestamp = timestamp,
        RawData = { values }

The configuration is unchanged:

new ApplicationBuilder(appName)
    EventDefinitions =
        new EventDefinitionBuilder(eventDefinitionId,
            $"{eventDefinitionId:X4}:{appName} This is an example event")
            Priority = EventPriority.Medium

To change the default formatting of the event data, add Text Conversions.

  1. i.e. one parameter/channel at a time